Made in Asia

Made in Asia examines the core factors behind how the mainstream Asian film market has managed to beat out Hollywood in becoming the largest global film market, while also striving for the strengthening and development of production networks. BIFAN's Made in Asia is the Industry Report, analyzing the mainstream of Asian Film Industry to spur the co-producing, cooperation, and networking up in the Asian territories.
If the purpose of a genre film festival is to 'discover' the newest styles of filmmaking and the up-and-coming masters of genre films, 'Made in Asia's purpose is to show the current mainstream issues and trends, such as top 10 box office titles with total gross, that have been selected by the audiences and movie markets of 11 countries of Asian territories.

  • TitleMade in Asia
  • DateJune 30 (Sun) ~ July 4 (Thu)
  • Participating CountriesKorea, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, India(Hindi, Telugu, Tamil)