Korean Film 100 years-A Crazy Chronicle of Korean Genre Cinema

A Mostrous Corpse

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Korea|1980|85min |Color | |

Code Time Theater Rate GV Ticketing
102 6/28  11:00 City Hall, Fantastic Cube(1F) 12 GV
802 7/05  11:00 City Hall, Fantastic Cube(1F) 12 GV
102 6/28  11:00City Hall, Fantastic Cube(1F)
12  GV
802 7/05  11:00City Hall, Fantastic Cube(1F)
12  GV

Unless following Subtitle code is marked, all films will have English subtitles

Notice of No English-Subtitle


A group of scientists experimenting with radio waves accidently cause corpses to rise from their graves. The dead are marching and are thirsty for blood. One of Korea’s first zombie flicks.

Program Note

A drowned man returns as a zombie and attacks people. Based on a coproduction by Spain and Italy, it’s more reminiscent of Jiangshi than Western zombie icks, A Monstrous Corps is an imaginative Korean-style zombie lm and the rst Korean zombie movie from Gang Beon-gu, director of Grudge of the Sleepwalking Woman, a lm co-produced by Korea and Taiwan. (MO Eun-young)



GANG Beomgu

Born in Hwanghae-do in 1924. He worked as a cinematographer before making his directorial debut with Polaris in 1962. His major works include When Black Flowers Fade(1963) Foggy Street(1963) The Border Between Russia & Manchuria(1964), A Love and Lust at the Cave(1964), A Rescue Order(1966), A Great Hero(1974), Tower of Death(1980), A Monstrous Corpse(1980) and so on. 


JEONG Woonggi

JU Dongwoon

YANG Yeongkil

HYEON Dongchun

JEONG Minseob

Production Design
CHO Kyunghwan

YU Kwangok, KANG Myeong, PARK Am

Star Rating empty_starempty_starempty_starempty_starempty_star  0